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ACO New Zealand

ACO New Zealand

ACO are innovative worldwide manufacturers and suppliers of advanced products to manage drainage and utility enclosures in both domestic and commercial environments. From code compliant level threshold drainage to products to complete your landscape design and commercial trench drains for all load classes, ACO has something to offer. ACO also supplies infiltration and water storage stormwater tanks that meet council flow requirements. Ask ACO to assist you with your next project!

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Showcase Products:

ACO Cantilever ThresholdDrain & ACO OnePourThresholdDrain are level threshold drains that are installed along the façade of a building adjacent to entrance doors, allowing for an even floor level inside and outside the building. Installed with a continuous 12mm gap from the cladding, their purpose is to protect the building from runoff during storms and surface water that flows horizontally towards the building and needs to be captured to prevent water from transgressing the entrance threshold. 

ACO Brickslot Covers: 
Our KlassikDrain trench drains can be completed with a discreet Brickslot cover, which is a suitable alternative solution under E1 to the E2 NZ Building Code, providing level threshold drainage. The 10mm slot of the Stainless Steel Brickslot cover blends in with the paving joints creating a discreet and aesthetic architectural finish. An access unit provides discreet access to the channel or In-line pit for maintenance.

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